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C&M (Checchi & Magli) Transplanters in Action–Video Compilation


This video compilation of our transplanters working in the field was created for Checchi & Magli’s 40th Anniverary last fall in conjunction with the EIMA Farm Machinery Show held every “even” year in Bologna, Italy.

Here are the featured models in order (other models are also available):
For more details see our model chart and brochures.


Top 24— This 24 cup carousel is super efficient as one person plants 2 rows at a time!
Dual 12 Gold— Ideal for recuding labor. 1 person sets 2 staggered rows. Row-to-row spacing 12″-20″
Trium— The most efficient an #1 Carousel Transplanter Sold in North America!
One person per row, but can travel at greater speeds to maximize productivity.
OPTIONS: 10 or 12 cup carousel, different rack options, water trip, fertilizer and herbicide application.
Baby Trium–Similar to the Trium but compact design for 16″ row-to-row spacing. Row unit is shorter in length. Ideal for tandem/offset rows.
UniTrium–Similar to the Trium but offers an independent driving wheel for each row unit.
Baby Compact— Compact design for closer row-to-row spacing, minimum 12″ row-to-row. Many cabbage farmers have purchased this model.


Foxdrive–Our finger/pocket type transplanter for bare root or plug type starts. Our farmers say, “Deeper planting, better stand, tighter packing, than the competition.” Equip with bins for sweet potato starts, or tray holders for plug starts. We have several farmers who plant both sweet potatoes and tobacco with our Foxdrive — it only takes 4 minutes per row to convert between planting these different crops!
Foxdrive Plus–


Wolf Plus— Can plant in plastic or bare ground.  These 1 or 2 row machines are small, versatile and easily adaptable to different needs. Equipped with a distributor with perforating cups (from 1 to 6).
Plastic Stop (PS)— Created to lay plastic and drip tape in one pass
AL-S14–combined “bed-maker-mulcher” simultaneously completes the bed making of the soil, compacting, leveling of the bed, laying the mulching film and ridging.


SPV50 and SPV100— Our potato lifter/digger with either side or rear discharge.

Call or email info in header for more information or a dealer near you.